Preview of Findings

The wishes and wants
and enjoins you to gratify your sensual and bodily desires.
The worthwhile ideals
and enjoins you to live a life of purpose.
The existential mysteries
and enjoins you to know what is real, right and true..
The human suffering
and enjoins you to save another from harm or danger.
The tools, techniques, medium, context
and enjoins you to make something original.
The role, duties, ethics, rituals
and enjoins you to fulfil social obligations.
The transcendence via divine union
and enjoins you to connect to an Absolute Reality.
The Trajectory in Brief
The natural sequence of
(value-sets) to be installed traces out a spiral trajectory when plotted on the . As the values at each Stage cumulate, the becomes progressively stronger and a person is more able to handle obstacles and frustrations.starts in the , which requires an immediate focus on .
However, it soon becomes evident that just
will lead to exhaustion. You are not just an instrument but a unique human being and if that awareness is not brought to bear, then you will become miserable and even dead inside.The first challenge may therefore be labeled: "be creative" (as represented in RsHK) in relation to your work. Cycle-1 is about using your creativity to manage your entanglement with reality in a constructive way.
The various instigators of transition are shown in the diagram below and then briefly explained.
Stages 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 give you more and better control over the unavoidable constructive entanglement.
work needs to tap into personal values.
may allow survival but the first step in strengthening your position involves recognizing thatIn Stage-2, values from the
enable a focus on what you think is important.But, over time, this you need to become aware that you impact on others and they impact on you. This generates a need to accept dependence.
In Stage-3, values from the
enable you to give more attention to others.But, over time, it becomes evident that you experience frustrations and disappointments because you are living with illusions and even delusions. Things are not what they seem.
So in Stage-4, values of the
enable you to see your limitations and the unavoidable restrictions in your environment without giving way to pessimism.Cycle-1 concludes by spontaneously re-entering the work hard» can now be replaced by an ability to «work smart».
. However, the original drive to «Cycle-2
Stages (μ1) → 5 → 6 → 7 allow you to develop the capacity to withstand unexpected stresses while continuing to discharge life's responsibilities.
Cycle-2 is a process in which a perspective on entanglement needs to be developed. The first step involves becoming mentally and bodily energized.
In Stage-5, values of the
enable you to exit the work arena to preserve and develop inner energies through rest and recreation.But such escape is ever only partial and temporary. There must be a means to manage distance from over-involvement within the workplace.
So in Stage-6, values of the
enable support to come from the social system because you uphold a role recognized as important.But following rules and adhering to conventions will be insufficient for unusual circumstances and personal crises.
So in Stage-7, values of the
enable withstanding of even the severest of setbacks without regrets and without inner rage.Having reached this point, a person now possesses an equilibrium that permits both surrender and making the best of situations.
Cycle-2 concludes by re-entering the work creatively». You are now working on what you love and what is socially valued; you are embracing challenges, accepting setbacks realistically. You have a work-life balance which allows for meaning and concern for others.
to enable "work-in flow" i.e. «Start now investigating the Spiral with another reminder:
Originally posted: 9-Dec-2022